Lesley Goodman, Ph.D. Wins Laughlin Distinguished Faculty Award at Albright College
Reading, PA (05/14/2024) — Lesley Goodman, Ph.D., associate professor of English at Albright College has been named winner of the 2024 Dr. Henry P. and M. Paige Laughlin Faculty Award for distinguished teaching.
Goodman's colleagues note that she exemplifies innovation and inclusivity in all aspects of her pedagogical practice. Over the past several years, she has spearheaded a complete revision and reimagination of the first-year writing program - impacting the educational lives of all Albright students in every classroom.
In her upper-level literature courses, she asks students to engage imaginatively with assigned readings so that they may see the real-life value, and relevance, of literature in their daily lives. In her British Literature course, she invites students to blend textual analysis with their own professional development skills, as they create resume, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles for characters they examine (an assignment notably referred to as "genius" in course evaluations). When teaching Shakespeare, she asks students to develop their own film treatments for innovative adaptations of classic plays, with one offering a vision for a King Lear sock puppet production, and another envisioning MacBeth in the style of The Blair Witch Project.
Goodman's dedication, enthusiasm, and personal kindness are consistent themes in student comments with one student noting, "she gets on everyone's individual level," and another stating "there was never once a time where I felt as if this professor wasn't completely and utterly understanding, respectful, and inclusive I always felt safe to express ideas." One student seemed to synthesize the sentiments of so many of their peers in simply writing, "She goes above and beyond in every aspect of her job."
Named a top national college by Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education, Albright College, Reading, Pa., (founded 1856) is home to dedicated faculty who believe that the best academic moments are when students feel inspired and ready to take action. The college's distinctive co-major programs enable students to cross or combine different programs, without taking longer to graduate. Study alongside undergraduate students, adult learners or graduate students, and find your SPARK at Albright College.